Portfolio > Thy Dunjon Quest

Industrial Strength Rat Poison. Card Artwork. Equipment Class: Weapon of Rodent Smiting.
Industrial Strength Rat Poison

Industrial Strength Rat Poison. Card Artwork. Equipment Class: Weapon of Rodent Smiting.

This is from a series of card artwork I'm working on with a friend in getting his card party game off the ground. The game, Thy Dunjon Quest, is a party game utilizing elements of charades and blackjack for players to go one mock quests and encounters while gambling their gear based on success or failure.

A perfect starter in your early encounters of large, slaughtering, dungeon rats, Industrial Strength Rat Poison is the perfect device suitable for tangling with oversized vermin.

One of the first card ideas pitched to me was this very device. I did two versions of this, one is the one before you, and another which had it in a glass case, reading "break in Case of Rats", but went with this as the point is made with the mallet, and adding the rat skull and crossbones tells you exactly what this weapon is for.