Portfolio > Thy Dunjon Quest

Dust Monster. Card Artwork. Monster Class: Dirty Hobo Monster.
Dust Monster

Dust Monster. Card Artwork. Monster Class: Dirty Hobo Monster.

This is from a series of card artwork I'm working on with a friend in getting his card party game off the ground. The game, Thy Dunjon Quest, is a party game utilizing elements of charades and blackjack for players to go one mock quests and encounters while gambling their gear based on success or failure.

The Dust Monster is a pun on the Rust Monster from D&D. A monster that instead of rusting your gear, causes it to get incredibly dirty and uncomfortable to wear. I made it a walking dust ball with the Peanut's Pig Pen dust clouds and dirt particles swirling about. The homeless bundle was a suggesting by my friend as the final touch.