Portfolio > Thy Dunjon Quest

Blunderbuss. Card Artwork. Item Type: A powerful hunting weapon, no matter what size you are; you need an equalizer.

Blunderbuss. Card Artwork. Item Type: A powerful hunting weapon, no matter what size you are; you need an equalizer.

This is from a series of card artwork I'm working on with a friend in getting his card party game off the ground. The game, Thy Dunjon Quest, is a party game utilizing elements of charades and blackjack for players to go one mock quests and encounters while gambling their gear based on success or failure.

The Blunderbuss is a true hunter's weapon. With it, you are guaranteed to always hit your quarry, as well as take a few chunks of it and the earth with each shot. This weapon is an equalizer to targets much bigger than you, so beings of small stature love the Blunderbuss as it shows the world " I may be little; but I carry a Big Freaking Gun!"

When I came across the word Blunderbuss, I asked my friend what that is, and he explained as those rifles used to hunt elephants, and I understood. I drew a Hobbit using it as I thought it would be funny to see a small fantasy Race wielding a weapon that, for all intents and purposes, is going to send that little Hobbit back with a crushed sternum from the sheer recoil of a high powered rifle. I do think like a villain sometimes.